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  • Camilla

Easter Weekend on the mountains

Paquerette in Courmayeur

Hello Everyone!

Relax is surely an important part of our life – even if it’s not always so simple to spare time for it from everyday routine.

When I can find enough time to relax and take a break, I love going to thermal baths in Pre Saint Didier, near Monte Bianco.

This place is magic: nestled in the Alps with a scenic view over Monte Bianco, it is perfect to relax in the outdoor pools or in the internal saunas and bath tubs. There’s also an internal buffet where to have a healthy snack, included in the entrance fee.

When I go there, I usually stay at the baths for the whole day. After a relaxing day, you can stay overnight at the very close hotels and restore at the typical restaurants in the center of the town. A particular look to the local cuisine will be taken in the related section of my blog.

During the Easter holidays, I spent a weekend in the area – having the opportunity to have a nice walk in the woods near Orrido river and shopping at the local outdoor market in Courmayeur. 

The walk is easy and relaxing, it does not require any specific training and can be done in about 1 hour back and forth. Arriving at the top of the mountain, you’ll find a panoramic glass-walk over the river creek, from which you’ll able to see the main tops of Monte Bianco Chain.

Coming back from the walk, I made some gastronomic shopping at Pre St Didier markets in the main square – I suggest to buy some “Tegole” nut 

shortbreads, which are typical of the area and can be a tasty souvenir to take home.

If you or your relatives and friends are on a diet (!), then you can go shopping to Courmayeur, where nice wooden items are handcrafted by inhabitants and sold at the outdoor market having place in the main streets of the town. I’ve been very lucky, since when I visited Courmayeur the outdoor market was already going on – during “Paquerette” celebrations. After a nice walk through the colorful streets of Courmayeur, I took a rest at a local bistrot , tasting Italian and French cooking. 

Heading back home, we decided to have a quick walk at Aosta historical center – where Roman ruins are well preserved and integrated with the more modern part of the town. 

After these two relaxing but full days in Valle D’Aosta, it’s time to get back  home… surely regenerated by this stay over the mountains!

Stay tuned,


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